People who know me would describe me as persevering and resolute. They describe me as being willing to put in as much effort as a job requires.My biggest strength is that I do not shy even from most trivial task.In my leisure time, I sing and listen to music. Also, I like to go on long walk alone because I get the time to contemplate the various events that have recently occurred and analyze my conducts in these situations so that I may improve my inter-personal skills.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Crowded Solitude.....

When people yearn to learn from you, more than what you would ever expect to learn from them, it becomes a pain, and an unbearable one at that. When you have scoured them inside out, and have exhausted every emotion and every moment that seemed to have existed, you cannot take it any more.When you meet somebody in the quest to learn something that will belittle you, your knowledge, your triumph, your fight, your hunger and your self, then you find what you already have in you, but nobody knew. Nobody knew because you never advertised. And you never advertised because you never felt it was big enough for advertisement.

Life is a Fizzy Drink ......

Yes, that's what life is!You either are too excited to finish it before the fizz goes away, or try and relish every drop that travels starting at your throat through the infinitely intertwined intestines, only to realise, that in the process of enjoying it for a longer time, the fizz no longer exists.The drink is now flat. Monotonous.You pretend to enjoy it, and always reply "Great!" to the question you dread most:"How's Life?"And when your catchphrase for life is "Been there. Done that!", you hear people telling you what you did as a 4th Grader."You know the letter that comes after A?""What do you mean?""Well, there's something new that has come up... ever heard of B?""B?" It has never been any wierder than this for you."Yeah, B. Add another two E's and the letter N! Voila... you have BEEN!""BEEN?""How's that for a mind-blowing word? You can use it in combination with other words to make a sentence or a Catchphrase! Erm... I thought you knew something about this?"You are torn between the desire to tear apart your tranquil self and be an exhibitionist demonstrating what you know, screaming at the top of your voice"Hey you! You Half-wit moron! How about 'Been there. Done That.'!!!???"or to succumb to the ignorant atrocities of those who are possessed. Possessed with the thought that they possess something that you don't and it's their birthright to educate you about what they always felt you didn't know!The world is about mediocrity advertising at PrimeTime. People no longer are influenced by PrimeTime... They love the advertisements.What you can concoct with you cerebral capacity is nothing if you cannot advertise, or you haven't done it yet if you feel you still are on your way to enlightenment, or it's disgusting for you to be an exhibitionist."Power is knowing that you can, but you don't" is extinct."Power is knowing that the other can, so strangle him." is in.Try guzzling it down before somebody comes and tells you,"Hey, that's a Fizzy Drink! Catch a glimpse if you haven't seen one yet!"Hmm... It tastes Good. Let's see how long the Fizz lasts!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

what to do......

Yes, we had another marketing class yesterday night. I was tired I was exhausted. “Someone martyr me down, so I can finally have true peace! I cried in my mind-rending agony. I seriously kept thinking I was going to fall over and finally go to sleep. How can I pray harder so God conks my little noggin into glorious cherished slumber-land of unmitigated delights”? “How on earth can I truly find some sleep?

Time Flies....dammit

Life . . . seems so cruel sometimes. When I was child I always wished that the time would pass so much quicker and I could just wake up and be a teenager, then when I was a young teenager I wished that I could pass the time quickly and just be even older. Not only that, but children always wish that time could somehow speed up during school; just so they can go home a waste more time playing games. Now, as I am older, I look back on my life so far and I feel a little bit sad. The other day, I was remembering one of my best friends, and I thought of all the good times that we had together. . . . ah, all those memories are so priceless to me now. I feel like I did not appreciate those moments while I was living them, but now, I realize just how special they really were. I hope, that when I die, heaven will be a place where I can spend eternity with the people closest to me, then, I won't have to worry about time slipping away from me.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Making it all perfect..........

That is the way we want it, that is the way we like it... But the truth is, everyone's got problems, everyone's got something they don't like and would like to change. Even the person that seems he's got everything going great, whoopy and dandy.We get up in the morning, we go to work, we wait for a paycheck. some of us work by the hour, some of us get paid no matter what. some of us don't get paid at all. . sad. but true.why does it have to be all about money and things anyway?do you realize that there only so long to live? From the time you were born to the time you die. The fact is, there is a limit. Birth and Death. Between two walls. That is where we are. It would be up to you to believe whether there is something after or if there was something before.Sometimes we feel older than we are. We feel that we know more that we should. Then is the time to also think that everything has a purpose. My main purpose is to enjoy what I have, right here, right now. Because I don't know what tomorrow will bring, and neither do you.So before I hit the bed tonight, I have one thing to say. Enjoy all you can, right now, right there, whereever you are, because nobody has a reservation on the future. Nobody has a say on what is going to happen tomorrow. Only you can think of this. What would one prefer? happy or sad? positive or negative? depressed or naive? (this one is tough)My word of advice? take what you have, and make the best of it. If you're losing something, move on to the next thing. There is nothing worth wasting time lamenting on and about. We have no time to waste. We are all on a timer. We are all dying one minute at a time. We are all getting older every second.Need I say more?Take what you have... make the best of it.

mixed feelings.....

I hate mixed feelings! It's so weird to have "mixed" feelings about something or someone! Who came up with that stupid idea that one should have them?!?!?Actually you definitely are mixed up because it says it's got to be "mixed" feelings! You don't know what to feel, it's a "mix"ture of positive and negative turmoil in your belly that tells you that you're mixing up your feelings. And don't start thinking about thinking !!! You better not! Because this will start mixing up your cells in such a way that not only a headache will be the result. So I suggest we just make a decision. Let's just choose how to feel to know how to deal with the matter. It would all be so much easier! Today I'll take it positive or negative. Let's not mix up everything, it's not like having a milkshake! Otherwise this would rather turn out to be a saucey mixture of brains and intestines...